The right Process to Treat Low Porosity Hair
Do you know what capillary porosity is? High, medium or low, it is nothing more than the ability or inability that hair has to absorb nutrients. If you find that it is at a low level, the second option is the problem, as the cuticles appear tightly closed and prevent the hair fiber from absorbing all the hydration it needs to look beautiful and healthy.
However, the good news is that through a low porosity hair care routine, it is possible to reverse that frame and make the moisturizing components able to act on the wires. Check out low porosity hair tips!
Quick test with cup of water reveals if hair is low-porous
A hair with low porosity is not easily identified because, unlike the highly porous ones, it does not exhibit excess dryness and frizz. Because the cuticles are tightly closed, it can even be recognized by some characteristics – such as the delay to dry and the lack of positive results, even after a very powerful hydration; however, to be sure of the situation of the locks, the ideal is to test the glass of water.
To do so, it’s quite simple:
1 – Separate a glass of water at room temperature and a clean hair without any product;
2 – Soak the hair in the glass and wait 10 minutes;
3 – After this time, observe the result: if it floats in the water, it means that its porosity is really low! Now, if it stays in the middle or bottom, it means that the porosity level is normal or high, respectively – as was explained in detail here.
Water and anti-waste shampoo help open the hair cutles with low porosity
As already mentioned, if your hair is low in porosity, it is a sign that the treatments are not penetrating the hair fiber because of tightly closed cuticles. So after testing and identifying this problem, the tip is to take some specific care at the time of the wash so they can open more easily, and moisturizing low porosity hair after the washing.
The first one is to care for low porosity hair in relation to the temperature of the shower: wet the hair with warm water before starting the cleaning so that it helps to open the cuticles – always remembering that very hot temperatures should be avoided so that the hair fiber is not damaged. Then wrap in an anti-waste shampoo for deep cleansing, remove all accumulations of products, and especially facilitate the opening of cuticles.
Hydration is the most important care to solve low porosity
Contrary to the recommendation given to treat highly porous hair, protein-rich masks should be avoided when the porosity is low so that the cuticles are no longer sealed – and therefore, they present even greater difficulty in absorbing the nutrients. So, if your wire floats in the cup after the water test, the main tip is to let the reconstruction a little sideways and caprichar in the hydration routine!
Oil and cold water seal the cuttle to preserve hydration on the wire
At the beginning of hydration in a hair with low porosity, the most important thing is to be able to open the cuticles so that the treatments penetrate the hair and show results. However, at the end of the procedure, they need to be sealed in order for the hydration to remain in the hair fiber.
To treat low porosity hair, an indispensable trick is to do the last rinse with cold water – since the lowest temperature helps seal the cuticles – and apply a little oil at the finish to store all the nutrients in the locks.